Friday, September 20, 2019

Today is Climate Strike Day - what does that mean?

BeeHive Geography Question: What is the home country of Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old activist who is making waves around the world with her message on Climate Change?

BeeHive Spelling Question: What is the language of origin of the word "environment"? (Where did this word come from and what does it mean?)

Today, school-age kids in the United States (and through the coming week, kids around the world) are striking (staying out of school) to bring attention to the changing climate on Earth.

Here are some things to talk about with your family:

1. What is the difference between climate and weather?

2. Can you find some places on Earth where the climate has changed the landscape from what it was like fifty years ago?

3. What was the last really big hurricane on Earth, and what country suffered the biggest damage from it?

Here is a website about this week's Climate Strike. Can you identify some of the languages that are used on the site?

Answers to BeeHive questions:

Geography: Greta Thunberg is from Sweden.

Spelling: "environment" comes from the base "environ" - late 14c. (implied in environing), "to surround, encircle, encompass," from Old French environer "to surround, enclose, encircle," from environ "round about," from en- "in" (en- + viron "a circle, circuit," also used as an adverb, from virer "to turn".

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