Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ready for Some Bee Practice?

BeeHive Spelling Question: What is a homonym?

BeeHive Geography Question: How many continents are there?

It's never too early to start practicing for the Spelling Bee or Geography Bee! Bees and other quizzes are a fun way to learn new things and improve your skills.

In previous years, the Regional Spelling Bees used a word list with words from several different languages, and the study guide (called "Spell It") included information about some of the patterns used in spelling those words.

For instance, here are some words from Latin:

And here are some of the rules for spelling words that come from Latin:

What countries use languages that come from Latin? These languages are called Romance languages - not because they're especially romantic, but because they originate from Latin, which was the language spoken in ancient Rome!

The most commonly spoken Romance languages are Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and Romanian. Can you find the countries that speak these languages on a map? (Spanish, Portuguese, and French are tricky - there are quite a few countries where those languages are the main language!)

Answers to BeeHive questions:

Spelling: A homonym is a word that sounds just like another word, but has a different meaning. Sum (the answer to an addition problem) and some (a certain amount) is one example of a homonym pair. (Pair/pear is another example!) How many homonym pairs can you think of?

Geography: There are seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. Recently some scientists suggested that New Zealand is actually on a separate continent - and that would make eight!

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