Have you signed up for the Homeschool Spelling Bee yet? Village Home hosts the Championship Bee for grades 4-8, where the winner will participate in the Regional Spelling Bee for a chance to compete in the National Spelling Bee! The Junior Bee for grades K-3 gives younger kids a chance to experience the excitement of the Bee as well!
You can register at https://www.villagehome.org/scripps-spelling-bee/ by January 30 to participate in the February 7 event.
How are the Bees conducted?
In each Bee, all spellers compete together. Each speller is given a word to spell. The speller should say the word, spell the word, and say the word again. If the word is spelled correctly, the speller goes on to compete in the next round. If the word is spelled incorrectly, the speller is eliminated. (If all spellers in one round spell incorrectly, they all stay in for the next round.)
Before spelling a word, the speller can ask for the definition, the language of origin, any alternate pronunciation, use in a sentence, and part of speech.
There will be at least one round in each Bee where the spellers are asked for the definition of a word. The pronouncer will give the speller a word, and offer two choices of what the word means. A correct choice means the speller stays in for the next round; an incorrect choice means the speller is eliminated.
Email bees@villagehome.org for a copy of the study lists! The words in the Bee will be from those lists.
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