Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Do You Like Random Information?

BeeHive Spelling Question: Why does "cleave" mean both "to divide" and "to stick together"?

BeeHive Geography Question: Which country (and its territories) include the most time zones?

Do you know how big Africa is? On most maps it looks a little larger than North America (Canada, United States, Mexico), but here's a picture that compares the size of the Africa continent to other countries.

BeeHive Question Answers

Spelling: The two CLEAVEs are from entirely different roots. Cleave with meanings relating to splitting and dividing derives from Old English clēofan, meaning "to split." Cleave meaning "to adhere firmly and closely" as in "a family that cleaves to tradition" is from Old English clifian, meaning "to adhere."

Geography: France and its eight territories cover twelve time zones. France covers so many time zones because France has territories all over the world.

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